The Complete Works of Philippe Smit
by Andreas Narzt and Florence Castellani

Photo: Christopher Burke Studios, NY; © FdDPS
Series: Self-Portrait
- Portrait
: - Figure composition
: - male »
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PS 15 (LNC 237)
Portrait de moi-même (Portrait of Myself)
Alternate titles: Portrait de moi même; Zelfportret; Zelfportret van den schilder
Oil on canvas
28 13/16 x 21 5/16 in. (73 x 54 cm)
Neither signed, nor dated
Inv. Lotty Urban-Leteneur, n.d. [ante 1953], s.n., private archives: no. [21]: p. [1], Pastels [sic]: Portrait de l'artiste (Mons. Smit) avec chapeau.
Larensche Kunsthandel, Amsterdam, Tentoonstelling Philippe Smit, April 01–30, 1916, no. 2*, as Portrait de moi même, peinture, *not for sale.
Literature & Primary Sources
Zelling, Anton. "Philippe Smit." De Hofstad, 15-04-1916, p. 2, as Zelfportret van den schilder.
M. V. "Kunst: Larensche Kunsthandel." Algemeen Handelsblad (Amsterdam), 04-04-1916, p. 6, as Zelfportret.
Janssen, Guus. "Philippe Smit – Nederlandse kunstschilder die geïnspireerd werd door Swedenborg." Swedenborgiana (La Haye) Editie 91 (09/2015), p. 12, ill. 1, as Zelfportret.
Record last updated November 11, 2024. Please note that the information on this and all pages is periodically reviewed and subject to change.
Citation: Narzt, Andreas and Castellani, Florence. "Portrait de moi-même (Portrait of Myself), c.1907–08 (PS 15)." In The Complete Works of Philippe Smit. (accessed on March 13, 2025).