Catalogue entry

"Dien Maryke et Loty et moi nous/ avons été 3 mois en Amerique./ Je devais peindre 2 portraits d’Evêques/ tu c’est [sais] de cette Americain qui collectionnes/ mes tableaux. […]" [sic] (Dien, Maryke, Loty and I spent 3 months in America. I had to paint 2 portraits of bishops. You know, for this American who collects my paintings ...) (Philippe Smit 1924)
Reverend Nathaniel Dandridge Pendleton (1865-1937), bishop of the New Church in Bryn Athyn, did not approve of the portrait of his brother, bishop W. F. Pendleton [PS 246]. Disappointed with the result he and his family were against the idea of Philippe Smit painting his portrait but in the end they had to give in because of their friendship with Theodore Pitcairn.1
1. See Gyllenhaal 2000, p. 20 and also commentary for [PS 246].